title. Movement
date. 2021
location. Dustin Office Machines, Gainesville, TX
story. Thank you to Johnny and Mary Lou Leftwich for the opportunity to paint this mural on the side of their business! I admire their commitment to Gainesville and vision to better the community through the years. And I was honored to add a little something to downtown as part of this vision. The conversation started with Mr. Leftwich saying "I want a big American flag and it to say In God we Trust"...and this is the design I came up with.
I titled this mural "Movement" for a double meaning approach. The folds in the fabric and billowing banner evoke movement. But I also hope the mural can speak to everyone. We, as a nation, are in constant movement. As I try to be the ever optimist, I see movement towards improvement, towards daring to embrace change as good and sought after. I hope that as the community changes and grows, we all see where our individual uniqueness and contributions are an important part of the Movement.