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Finding Balance...or is it Creating Balance?

Feeling a sense of balance in life is hard. Think about it---how often do we say to ourselves, "after ____, then things won't be so busy and it will be a better balance" or "if I could do ____ (or this thing would happen), then things would be better". We, or at least I, seem to feel this tension quite a bit in life.

And here I am searching for balance again. I am excited to have accepted a position as Marketing Coordinator for the Arts Council of Calvert County. This is a part-time position, which will allow me to be in a role where I can promote artists and the Arts in the community (which I discovered with Vantage Point Gallery that I really like to do), AND will allow me time to continue my own art. But as with any new job, there's a lot to learn and that takes focus.

Through the last few weeks, I feel like my art has taken a back seat. And I'm hoping in the next few weeks, I can better strike that balance I'm searching for to allow myself to fully immerse in my position as Marketing Coordinator and also fully immerse in creating art.

artist hand painting cherry blossom tree
I have been working on a cherry blossom piece in small bits of painting time.

Jason and I took an afternoon off to experience the cherry blossoms at the Tidal Basin. I took lots of photos for references and have ideas for multiple cherry blossom paintings!

cherry blossoms at Tidal Basin

cherry blossom tree

acrylic painting of cherry blossom tree

My reference photo (I love the gnarly, twisted trunk of this tree) and reimagined painting. Alas, painting out my search for balance and an orderly scenario with neat rows of cherry blossoms in an idyllic scene. I realized what I was doing near completion of the painting.

Here's another opportunity for learning to be more comfortable with being uncomfortable. There will never be perfect balance or neatly ordered life scenarios, nor would those likely be satisfying. Meaning in life comes through growth. And growth is uncomfortable.

I keep a note on my phone of quotes I come across that are impactful to me. And this few weeks of trying to find balance made me reflect on a quote by Viktor Frankl.

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom."

I want my response to be creative and true to me. It's not finding balance---like something elusive that I'll capture if I'm lucky. I can be creating balance. If I can just remind myself of this and fully embrace it.

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Apr 01, 2024

Nice paint job on that trunk. If only that gnarled, witness tree could talk.......

Donna Tizol

Apr 03, 2024
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Yes! Think how many thousands of people that tree has watched walk by through the years


Apr 01, 2024

Katie, I love what you said about balance in life. If I focus too much on one thing then I have to deal with the consequences of what got ignored. I love that quote because I know that my response generates the outcome of the situation. If I get that wrong then I’ve multiplied my challenges instead of conquering them.

Apr 03, 2024
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I've been thinking about your comment and so appreciate you sharing this! It's made me think about how my responses to things, and the accompanying consequences, determine how the path goes. It's kind of empowering to soak that responses and my attitude directs more than I realize sometimes.


Apr 01, 2024

Love your latest quote!

That twisted trunk was awesome! Were there many with that trait? It is a thick trunk, probably much older than those in the background of your photo. Interesting to find out if winds somehow play into the cause.

Take care...and as always, try not to take on too much!🤣 Kathy Dickerson

Apr 01, 2024
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You can tell which trees are the older ones. A few looked kind of twisted like this one, which I love! Gives it more character!And yes, a good reminder to busy-bee me to not take on too much. Thank you!

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