title. A Small Group of Thoughtful, Committed Citizens (Circus)
date. 2019
location. First State Bank Headquarters, Gainesville, Texas
story. The Gainesville Community Circus began in 1930 as a fundraiser for the Gainesville Little Theatre. Due to popularity, it continued and evolved as a road show until 1958, though not operating for a time during WWII. The circus was comprised of local townspeople who volunteered, so it was all orchestrated by amateur performers.
"The backdrop of this mural is the calliope from the circus, which can still be viewed at the Santa Fe Depot Museum in Gainesville. The cutout of the calliope acts as a frame for the focal point of the elephant, girl on the trapeze and man juggling, which were referenced from photographs from the circus that I viewed at the Morton Musuem. I thought it was important to use actual photos from the circus to highlight this amazing part of Gainesville's history."